October 2023
- Mandala Den, a yoga studio, opened up at 502 S. Chadbourne after Yarn Junkies closed its doors. They offer a variety of evening classes.
- Long Horn Coffee Co. was bought out and is now Free Rein Coffee Co. It is co-owned by "Yellowstone" star Cole Hauser partnered with Karl Pfluger, Aron Marquez and Paul Anderson.
September 2023
- The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts' copper roof is finished. There are still updates that need to be completed on the inside. The grand opening is scheduled for January 19, 2024.
Art in Uncommon Places announced their 10 augmented murals created in the San Angelo Cultural District were completed on September 23, 2023. They are called Electrified Murals.
May - August 2023
- May 2023 - New artists have moved into the district. Artists Shaydee & Bobby Watson took over the small building in Old Town at 502 Orient St. after Michelle Cuevas moved out. Their gallery space is called Watson Wonder Box.
- June 2023 - The Oakes Street bridge closed for much needed updates and repair. Traffic has been rerouted to Chadbourne St.
- July 2023 - The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts closed it's main building to start on it's saddle shaped copper roof that has been needing repair. Opening date is scheduled for January of 2024.
August 2023 - The Buffalo Soldiers Memorial had an opening ceremony across the street from Fort Concho National Historic Landmark.
March 2023
Update on Fort Concho's two new buildings: The buildings are up and this month the contractors are putting up the exterior limestone on the buildings.
- The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts is in the process of getting a new roof. The construction is scheduled to start in July 2023. In the meantime, their current exhibit is at Fort Concho's Quartermaster building at Burgess St. & East Ave. C.
- Another great new addition to the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts is a Ceramic Artist Residency Program opening up later this year. To learn more click here.
November 2022
- Artist Raul Ruiz, moved from his downtown studio on Chadbourne St. to the Cultural District in October of 2022. His address is 416B S. Oakes St.
- In June of 2022, the Railway Museum of San Angelo had a new sheep dedication by artist, Shaydee Watson. You can read more about it here.
The People and Plant Connection moved out of the Cultural District, but the building they were in is getting a facelift.
January 2021
- Fort Concho received a donation of $2 million from a mystery donor to rebuild parts of the Fort that has been missing for more than a century. Read more here.
February 2020
- 57 & 59 E. Washington recently received a face lift with a new coat of paint and cleaning up the buildings. (More info to come)
Art In Uncommon Places looks to have finished the colorful mural they have been working on.
- The run down building across the street from Fort Concho has been torn down and is currently fenced off. The City Cabinet Shop located behind it, is still intact and open.
- The People and Plant Connection has moved into the Cultural District at 416 S. Oakes St. They offer gardening seminars and art classes to people of all ages.
Fort Concho's Barracks are getting reroofed. This is a project that will most likely take a few months.
July 2020
The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts purchased the historic building at 504 S. Oakes St across from their building for a "Creative Center". It will be a place for teaching the arts and craft traditions of the Concho Valley and art education programs for people of all ages.
- Fort Concho appears to almost be done reroofing the barracks on Avenue D.
- The Railway Museum of San Angelo has recently added a gift shop to the museum. They also have a new entrance to the building, away from the active train tracks, to help keep visitors safe.
January 2020
Longhorn Coffee Company has moved into the district. They are at 901 S. Oakes St. (Across the street and down a bit from the Fort) They have a retail shop and cafe inside.
The housing duplexes being build directly across the street from Fort Concho are making great progress. They have a few of the buildings done on the outside and have moved to finishing out the inside. Their address is 800 S. Oakes St.
- 57 E. Washington is now home to the roofing company Premier Re-Builders.